Stop Plumbing Leaks with FloLogic

Water and the damage it brings can be one of the most devastating property claims a ministry or organization can experience. Fortunately, there's a solution that identifies leaks when they start, as small as 1/2-ounce-per-minute. It's called FloLogic.

The FloLogic intelligent leak detection device is installed on the main water supply line as it enters the building. It features a smart sensor that constantly monitors water flow. Whenever the device detects flow exceeding a preset duration based on whether the building is occupied, it automatically shuts off the water. It also sends an alert via a smartphone app so users know as soon as there’s an issue.

According to an article by Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company, an average water claim can cost upward of $25,000 to even several hundred thousand dollars, depending on the amount of damage to walls, ceilings, flooring, furniture, books, computers, musical instruments, and audio equipment. In addition to that, your ministry could be left without a meeting space until items are restored causing a major disruption in your operations and mission work. We highly recommend you look at having the FloLogic system installed to avoid these headaches and disruptions.

If you are a Brotherhood Mutual customer, you can receive an exclusive discount of 20% on a FloLogic System. Just go to For more information on ways to protect your property using FloLogic, contact your local agent today.

November 7, 2023
Stop Plumbing Leaks with FloLogic
Stop Plumbing Leaks with FloLogic

Water and the damage it brings can be one of the most devastating property claims a ministry or organization can experience. Fortunately, there's a solution that identifies leaks when they start, as small as 1/2-ounce-per-minute. It's called FloLogic.

Tags: plumbing, prevention, water damage
September 7, 2023
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Increasing Donor Trust

The ability to inspire others to give is a blessing. Because fundraising can be both exciting and challenging, there are some important details to consider that can help your donors, and organization, have a smooth and successful experience.

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Save Money with One Change
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